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Performance in 4 Different Periods

AmiruBot’s performance varied across four different periods due to different market conditions. These periods have different durations: the first period spans from January 1, 2020, to December 20, 2020; the second period ranges from December 20, 2020, to December 1, 2021; the third period covers from December 1, 2021, to September 15, 2022; and the last period is from September 15, 2022, to March 10, 2023, lasting for six months. The chart below shows the return achieved by the bot in each period. Please note that these returns are not compounded and represent the returns for each period separately.

Since the periods are not equal in terms of the number of months included, we can examine the monthly average return achieved by AmiruBot in each period.

To account for the differing number of days in each period, we can divide each period’s return by the number of months it covers. To do this, we divide the number of days in each period by 30 (to approximate the number of months) and then divide the period’s return by this number. The results are shown in the table below:

Period Duration Return Number of Months Monthly Avg. Return
1 355 days 80% 11.83 6.76%
2 346 days 175% 10.87 16.08%
3 288 days 85% 9.6 8.85%
4 177 days 28% 5.9 4.75%

Again please note that these returns are not compounded.

Now lets go to the next page for final conclusions.